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BIND(CONCAT(STR(?værdi_), " ↗") AS ?værdi) | BIND(CONCAT(STR(?værdi_), " ↗") AS ?værdi) | ||
BIND(CONCAT("https://daieproddreamspdfsto.blob.core.windows.net/files/", STR(?værdi_)) AS ?værdiUrl) | BIND(CONCAT("https://daieproddreamspdfsto.blob.core.windows.net/files/", STR(?værdi_)) AS ?værdiUrl) | ||
} | |||
UNION | |||
{ | |||
BIND(100 AS ?order) | |||
BIND("Andre rapporter" AS ?beskrivelse) | |||
BIND("🔍" AS ?værdi) | |||
BIND(BIND(CONCAT("#report/", SUBSTR(STR(?target:), 38), "/report") AS ?værdiUrl) | |||
} | } | ||
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],da,en". } | SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],da,en". } |
Revision as of 16:19, 10 March 2023
PREFIX target: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/entity/Q158> PREFIX dreams: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/entity/> PREFIX dreamst: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/prop/direct/> PREFIX dreamsp: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/prop/> PREFIX dreamspsv: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/prop/statement/værdi/> SELECT DISTINCT ?beskrivelse ?værdi ?værdiLabel ?værdiUrl WHERE { BIND(target: AS ?work) { BIND(1 AS ?order) BIND("Titel" AS ?beskrivelse) ?work dreamst:P1 ?værdi . } UNION { BIND(2 AS ?order) BIND("Forfatter" AS ?beskrivelse) target: dreamst:P24 ?iri . BIND(SUBSTR(STR(?iri), 38) AS ?q) ?iri rdfs:label ?værdi . FILTER (LANG(?værdi) = 'da') BIND(CONCAT("#author/", ?q) AS ?værdiUrl) } UNION { BIND(2.5 AS ?order) BIND("Sprog" AS ?beskrivelse) ?work dreamst:P11 ?iri . ?iri rdfs:label ?værdi_string . FILTER (LANG(?værdi_string) = 'da') BIND(STR(?værdi_string) AS ?værdi) } UNION { BIND(6 AS ?order) BIND("Udgivelsesdato" AS ?beskrivelse) ?work dreamsp:P6 / dreamspsv:P6 ?publication_date_værdi . ?publication_date_værdi wikibase:timePrecision ?time_precision ; wikibase:timeValue ?publication_date . BIND(IF(?time_precision = 9, YEAR(?publication_date), xsd:date(?publication_date)) AS ?værdi) } UNION { BIND(7 AS ?order) BIND("Udgiver" AS ?beskrivelse) ?work dreamst:P26 ?iri . BIND(SUBSTR(STR(?iri), 38) AS ?q) ?iri rdfs:label ?værdi_string . FILTER (LANG(?værdi_string) = 'da') BIND(COALESCE(?værdi_string, ?q) AS ?værdi) BIND(CONCAT("#publisher/", ?q) AS ?værdiUrl) } UNION { BIND(10 AS ?order) BIND("Projekttype" AS ?beskrivelse) ?work dreamst:P16 ?værdi . BIND(CONCAT("#projecttype/", SUBSTR(STR(?værdi), 38)) AS ?værdiUrl) } UNION { BIND(21 AS ?order) BIND("Scholia" AS ?beskrivelse) ?work dreamst:P3 ?værdi_ . BIND(CONCAT(STR(?værdi_), " ↗") AS ?værdi) BIND(CONCAT("https://scholia.toolforge.org/work/", STR(?værdi_)) AS ?værdiUrl) } UNION { BIND(22 AS ?order) BIND("Miljøportal" AS ?beskrivelse) ?work dreamst:P40 ?værdi_ . BIND(CONCAT(STR(?værdi_), " ↗") AS ?værdi) BIND(CONCAT("https://daieproddreamspdfsto.blob.core.windows.net/files/", STR(?værdi_)) AS ?værdiUrl) } UNION { BIND(100 AS ?order) BIND("Andre rapporter" AS ?beskrivelse) BIND("🔍" AS ?værdi) BIND(BIND(CONCAT("#report/", SUBSTR(STR(?target:), 38), "/report") AS ?værdiUrl) } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],da,en". } } ORDER BY ?order
PREFIX target: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/entity/Q406> PREFIX dreams: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/entity/> PREFIX dreamst: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/prop/direct/> PREFIX dreamsp: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/prop/> PREFIX dreamspsv: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/prop/statement/value/> SELECT ?mønster ("🔍" AS ?mønsterLabel) (CONCAT("#pattern/", SUBSTR(STR(?mønster), 38)) AS ?mønsterUrl) ?subjekt ?subjektLabel ?subjektUrl ?påvirkning ?påvirkningLabel ?påvirkningUrl ?recipient ?recipientLabel ?recipientUrl ?signifikans ?signifikansLabel ?afbødning ?afbødningLabel ?afbødningUrl ?citat ?projektfase ?projektfaseLabel (CONCAT("#projectphase/", SUBSTR(STR(?projektfase), 38)) AS ?projektfaseUrl) ?projekttype ?projekttypeLabel (CONCAT("#projecttype/", SUBSTR(STR(?projekttype), 38)) AS ?projekttypeUrl) ?link ?linkUrl WITH { SELECT DISTINCT ?mønster ?subjekt ?subjektLabel ?subjektUrl ?påvirkning ?påvirkningLabel ?påvirkningUrl ?recipient ?recipientLabel ?recipientUrl ?signifikans ?signifikansLabel ?afbødning ?afbødningLabel ?afbødningUrl ?citat ?projektfase ?projekttype ?link ?linkUrl WHERE { ?mønster dreamst:P2 dreams:Q263 ; dreamst:P20 target: . OPTIONAL { ?mønster dreamst:P33 ?subjekt . ?subjekt rdfs:label ?subjekt_label . FILTER(LANG(?subjekt_label) = 'da') BIND(CONCAT("#effect/", SUBSTR(STR(?subjekt), 38)) AS ?subjektUrl) } OPTIONAL { ?mønster dreamst:P47 ?subjekt_text } BIND(COALESCE(?subjekt, ?subjekt_text, "") AS ?subjekt) BIND(CONCAT(?subjekt_text, " (", COALESCE(?subjekt_label, ""), ")") AS ?subjektLabel) OPTIONAL { ?mønster dreamst:P34 ?påvirkning . ?påvirkning rdfs:label ?påvirkning_label . FILTER (LANG(?påvirkning_label) = 'da') BIND(CONCAT("#effect/", SUBSTR(STR(?påvirkning), 38)) AS ?påvirkningUrl) } OPTIONAL { ?mønster dreamst:P49 ?påvirkning_text } BIND(COALESCE(?påvirkning, ?påvirkning_text) AS ?påvirkning) BIND(CONCAT(?påvirkning_text, " (", COALESCE(?påvirkning_label, ""), ")") AS ?påvirkningLabel) OPTIONAL { ?mønster dreamst:P55 ?recipient . ?recipient rdfs:label ?recipient_label . FILTER (LANG(?recipient_label) = 'da') BIND(CONCAT("#effect/", SUBSTR(STR(?recipient), 38)) AS ?recipientUrl) } OPTIONAL { ?mønster dreamst:P54 ?recipient_text } BIND(COALESCE(?recipient, ?recipient_text) AS ?recipient) BIND(CONCAT(?recipient_text, " (", COALESCE(?recipient_label, ""), ")") AS ?recipientLabel) OPTIONAL { ?mønster dreamst:P56 ?afbødning . ?afbødning rdfs:label ?afbødning_label . FILTER (LANG(?afbødning_label) = 'da') BIND(CONCAT("#effect/", SUBSTR(STR(?afbødning), 38)) AS ?afbødningUrl) } OPTIONAL { ?mønster dreamst:P53 ?afbødning_text } BIND(COALESCE(?afbødning, ?afbødning_text) AS ?afbødning) BIND(CONCAT(?afbødning_text, " (", COALESCE(?afbødning_label, ""), ")") AS ?afbødningLabel) OPTIONAL { ?mønster dreamst:P18 ?citat . } OPTIONAL { ?mønster dreamst:P19 ?projektfase . } OPTIONAL { ?mønster dreamst:P16 ?projekttype1 . } OPTIONAL { ?mønster dreamst:P20 / dreamst:P16 ?projekttype2 . } BIND(COALESCE(?projekttype1, ?projekttype2) AS ?projekttype) OPTIONAL { ?mønster dreamst:P21 ?signifikans . ?signifikans rdfs:label ?signifikans_text . FILTER (LANG(?signifikans_text) = 'da') OPTIONAL { ?signifikans dreamst:P44 ?symbol . } BIND(IF(BOUND(?symbol), ?symbol, "❓") AS ?signifikans_symbol) BIND(CONCAT(?signifikans_symbol, " ", ?signifikans_text) AS ?signifikansLabel) } OPTIONAL { ?mønster dreamst:P20 ?report . ?report dreamst:P40 ?miljøportal . OPTIONAL { ?mønster dreamst:P46 ?page } BIND(IF(BOUND(?page), CONCAT(?page, " ↗"), " ↗") AS ?link) BIND(CONCAT("https://daieproddreamspdfsto.blob.core.windows.net/files/", STR(?miljøportal), IF(BOUND(?page), CONCAT("#page=", ?page), "")) AS ?linkUrl) } } } AS %result WHERE { INCLUDE %result SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "da,en". } }
PREFIX target: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/entity/Q158> PREFIX dreams: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/entity/> PREFIX dreamst: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/prop/direct/> PREFIX dreamsp: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/prop/> PREFIX dreamspr: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/prop/reference/> PREFIX dreamsps: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/prop/statement/> PREFIX prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#> SELECT ?sted ?stedLabel (CONCAT("#location/", SUBSTR(STR(?sted), 38)) AS ?stedUrl) ?stedDescription ?citat WHERE { target: dreamsp:P12 ?sted_statement . ?sted_statement dreamsps:P12 ?sted . OPTIONAL { ?sted_statement prov:wasDerivedFrom / dreamspr:P18 ?citat . } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "da,en". } }
SPARQL | query=
PREFIX target: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/entity/Q100>
PREFIX dreams: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/entity/>
PREFIX dreamst: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/prop/direct/>
PREFIX dreamsp: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/prop/>
PREFIX dreamspsv: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/prop/statement/value/>
("Scholia ↗" AS ?scholia) ?scholiaUrl
target: dreamst:P3 ?wikidata_q . BIND(IRI(CONCAT("http://www.wikidata.org/entity/", ?wikidata_q)) AS ?wikidata) SERVICE <https://query.wikidata.org/sparql> { ?wikidata wdt:P2860 ?cited . OPTIONAL { ?cited wdt:P1476 ?title . } BIND(CONCAT("https://scholia.toolforge.org/work/", SUBSTR(STR(?cited), 32)) AS ?scholiaUrl) }
} }}
Related works from co-citations
SPARQL | query= PREFIX target: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/entity/Q100> PREFIX dreams: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/entity/> PREFIX dreamst: <https://dreams.wikibase.cloud/prop/direct/>
?score ?title ?titleUrl ("Scholia ↗" AS ?scholia) ?scholiaUrl
{ SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?score) ?work ?title WHERE { target: dreamst:P3 ?wikidata_q . BIND(IRI(CONCAT("http://www.wikidata.org/entity/", ?wikidata_q)) AS ?wikidata) SERVICE <https://query.wikidata.org/sparql> { ?wikidata (^wdt:P2860 | wdt:P2860) / (^wdt:P2860 | wdt:P2860)? ?work . FILTER (?wikidata != ?work) ?work wdt:P1476 ?title . } } GROUP BY ?work ?title ORDER BY DESC(?count) LIMIT 500 } BIND(CONCAT("https://scholia.toolforge.org/work/", SUBSTR(STR(?work), 32)) AS ?scholiaUrl) BIND(SUBSTR(STR(?work), 32) AS ?work_q) OPTIONAL { ?dreams_work dreamst:P3 ?work_q . BIND(CONCAT("#report/", SUBSTR(STR(?dreams_work), 38)) AS ?titleUrl) }
} ORDER BY DESC(?score) DESC(?titleUrl)